AEman's agent writes the Army Corps of Engineers a note
Dear Army Corps of Engineers, I am neither Cape Cod dweller, energy magnate nor rabid environmentalist. I am a father of four cute, smart and wonderful children and we live just to the west of Boston. I am a business person, and, perhaps stereotypically, I most often make decisions using a cost-benefit analysis type approach. To me, while there are clearly competing interests here with no small amount of emotion in the mix, there's really only one clearly intelligent course of action. Here's my case, short if not sweet: It's well past time to act like responsible adults on energy. That means using the information available to us, which is most often incomplete, we chart a coherent course for the future - our own, our children's, and beyond. In a world with demonstrably finite and volatile oil reserves, with coal and oil-based power generation threatening the macro environment via global warming and more local negative health effects, it's time to begin charting a new course. The construction of Cape Wind is a locally significant and nationally symbolic sea change. Let's show the country, and more importantly, ourselves, that we're going to make sacrifices to begin putting our energy house in order. Cape Wind provides most of the energy Cape Cod needs on any given day without adding yet another CO2 belching coal or oil plant to the mix. While scientists and engineers keep the knowledge, politicians hold the power. You are a special intermediary organization that has clout with both parties. As such, we need your help. Please continue to support Cape Wind and other similar new energy projects based on the evidence you have already found and produced in your work on this project. Respectfully, Andrew A. Bochman
Sherborn, MA
posted by Andy Bochman at 8:12 PM
