Excerpt from "Oil Price Trends Through 2004 – 2010"
Respected energy analyst Andrew McKillop just published an oil price update on EnergyPulse. Here is the money quote:
Under any scenario, the basic need is for higher and less volatile oil and energy
prices, accompanying serious and committed energy conservation, transition to
renewable energy and restructuring for a low energy economy, habitat and society. This will be forced on energy consumers worldwide through increasing annual depletion losses, and slower additions of net supply, firstly for oil (around 2008) and then for natural gas (at latest by the 2015-2018 period). However, at present, energy transition is discarded as utopian and unworkable by current political decision-makers. Essentially echoing Dr. Dom's guidance in the previous post. The current politicians in the current short-term reward system will not make the right moves. While true, this is not at all acceptable. Hmm, there's the rub.
posted by Andy Bochman at 10:20 PM
