You Wanna Start Something ??
Do these things for they are doable and matter. Begin doing them now:
1. When you need a car, buy a hybrid. And not the Lamborghini hyrbrid that'll be out in 3 years that generates 1500 hp, but one of the ones that's nice, smart and fuel efficient. See previous post for ideas. This saves lots of money.
2. Conserve at home. Insulate. Keep thermostat down in winter and up in summer. Use energy efficient appliances and compact fluorescent lights. This saves lots of money.
3. Get smart and active. Read AEman's blog and follow the links where they take you. Talk to others ... you'd be surprised how many people are already tuned into this frequency and have been waiting for the broadcast to begin. Well, it's beginning, and you can be on the show if you want. This will not save you money but may boost your ego and may make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Or whatever sex you wish to attract.
4. Begin to scope out your legislators at all levels ... selectmen, mayors, attorneys general, state reps and senators, the reps and senators on the hill, the big guy and his cabinet. Few if any of these folks will act intelligently on AE until they get red hot pokers of compelling reason shoved way up their asses. And held there. Prepare your pokers. This might be actually quite nasty, though pleasurable as well in its own way. This is likely the most important thing you can do. Understand that if you are a US Senator reading this you might find this offensive ... or threatening. Sorry, but I think if you're honest with yourself you'll agree that it's true.
posted by Andy Bochman at 7:45 PM
