According to Broecker, Kyoto will not Work
Professor Wallace Broecker of Columbia University has spoken out again, damn him. He's reminding world leaders (again) that Kyoto isn't going to cut the mustard. Why won't he just go away or study a different subject? His critique of Kyoto is that it sucks. It's a lame attempt to appear to be doing something to appease the masses. But by failing to bind CO2 emmissions from developing countries like China and India, who are each burning ever increasing metric shitloads of coal to drive their growth, any gains in the industrialized world will be for naught.
Of course, we don't have to worry about China and India offsetting progress in the US because we officially don't believe in CO2's link to global warming. According to Biblical science, the earth is only 9,000 or so years old and as it is, we're all going to be raptured or burning in hell soon enough, so screw it.
Clearly, Kyoto is for wimps. Broecker must be a Euro hugging tree kisser to say we need something substantially tougher if we're going to keep the ice caps intact, keep the oceans flowing the right way, and keep our climate and ocean levels in check. Is Broecker an alarmist or a smart guy sounding an alarm? ... an oft-repeated question on the AEman blog. We'd better figure it out and start acting fast if we want any kind of a say in the matter at all.
posted by Andy Bochman at 9:50 AM
