Cape Wind Opponents put the Ass in Aesthetics
Word is the discussions at the Army Corps of Engineers public hearings are very polite. Isn't that sweet? While supporters list of compelling reasons is about a mile long, not the least of which are: regional economics, additional jobs, clean air, reducing dependance on middle east oil, etc., the detractors line up like modern day peaceniks missing only love beads and bongos. The war room cry they rally around seems to be "It's the aethestics, stupid."
Remember the Red-hot poker comment in a previous post? Along the lines of "politicians won't do the right thing on AE until red hot pokers of compelling reason are shoved up their asses." Well guess whose lining up for pokers on the Cape Wind project ... none other than the most priminent and powerful pols in Massachusetts: Attorney General Thomas Reilly, Governor Mitt Romney, Senator Ted Kennedy. Art history majors, all? Maybe Reilly was an interior decorator in his previous job ... Romney a landscape architect ... Kennedy a street performer? The poker thesis seems to have predictive power, does it not?
AEman proposes floating a coal plant on a barge in the same location for comparision. Or let's put the wind turbines or new coal plants in Dorchestor or Roxbury to not blight the eyes of the wealthy. What a bunch of assholes. And AEman is being polite.
posted by Andy Bochman at 6:59 AM
