Army Hard Corps on Cape Wind Goodness
This just in: that radical group of do-gooding tree huggers (NOT), the US Army Corps of Engineers just issued its impact statement and Cape Wind came out smelling like roses. This Boston Globe article provides some great highlights. Here is a summary of 9 of the Army Corps of Engineers' key findings sure to set the Wind-haters teeth to gnashing: - Cape Wind will reduce energy costs in several ways including offsetting the burning of expensive fossil fuels, reducing New England’s dependence on natural gas, and reducing the cost of compliance with the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS) for Massachusetts electricity consumers.
- The project will create 600 – 1,000 new construction jobs and 154 new permanent jobs.
- The direct, indirect and induced effects of Cape Wind … will result in annual permanent increases of $21.8 million in economic output; $10.2 million in value added; and, nearly $7 million in labor income.
- The project will produce air quality improvements and greenhouse gas offsets of over one million tons annually.
- There will be minimal or no adverse impacts on fishing. [In fact], the presence of the turbines may enhance recreational fishing for certain species such as Atlantic cod, black sea bass, and scup.
- It is expected that the construction and operation of Cape Wind will not substantially adversely impact general commercial/recreational vessel navigation or ferry operations.
- The FAA issued a Determination of No Hazard to air Navigation.
- The estimated small number of birds killed by wind turbines is unlikely to cause bird population declines.
- People onshore will not hear the … wind turbines.
So ready or not, here they come! Well, at least until the President, Senate and Congress, led by John Warner and Ted Kennedy, can figure out a way to litigate another delay. Maybe AEman can help. Has anyone considered that the air might get bruised? Or that the soothing rotation of the sleek blades might produce an unintended aphrodisiac effect … wouldn’t want that in or near Nantucket now would we? Now AEman learns that Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney opposes the project on aesthetic grounds. Since when is the Mass gov (or any politician for that matter) concerned with aesthetics over job creation, economic improvement, environmental protection and energy security? This just in from a caller from Uranus: she suggested they try a Romulan cloaking device to mitigate the aesthetic issues. AEman notes that Romulan technology has advanced quite a bit since the days of James T. Kirk, so it's affordable now too.
Back to reality: like computers, wind turbines gets better every year. So the megawatt ratings of each tower goes up as opponents try to shut it down and cumulative output of 120 or so towers soars still higher. Plainly stated – this impact report is just completely fantastic news for (almost) everyone.
posted by Andy Bochman at 9:25 PM
