What the Hell is the US Waiting for ???!!!
This month's Popular Science has an article - "Wind Power Reconsidered" - that includes the following devastating assessment of the United States' lethargy in harvesting its abundant wind power potential:
Next spring, General Electric will inaugurate the Arklow Bank Offshore Wind Park, a wind farm just off the eastern coast of Ireland. The plant is already operating at nearly full capacity, its seven massive 3.6-megawatt turbines cranking out enough electricity for 16,000 households. Arklow Bank is Ireland’s first offshore wind-energy project and Europe’s 19th, with at least 10 more slated to go up in 2005. The U.S. has zero.
What are we doing? The Euro's aren't geniuses, but in this domain, they know what works. Why are our heads so far up our asses on wind power and alt energy in general? Check out the great picture of the stunning Arklow turbines in the article. Their beauty and boldness almost makes me weep.
posted by Andy Bochman at 9:36 PM
