NIMBY must become PIMBY
This completely pisses me off - the proposed Cape Wind offshore wind turbine project is being assaulted from several directions at once. One was a senate defense appropriations rider that would have banned all offshore wind farms - it went down to defeat about a week ago. But the other that captured my eye and roiled my mind is Ted Kennedy's opposition based on how the view from the Kennedy compound would be marred. Kennedy, usually a supporter of alternative energy initiatives, considers wind mills an eyesore he'd rather others endure, not him.
Man, that is so messed up. Issues of aesthetics, symbolism and "form fits function" aside, Kennedy's position is so absurdly out of step with what he professes to hold dear, it's a great example of a prevalent mindset that's got to be rapidly reworked. Here's a person who:
- rails against pollution from old energy sources
- who wants to get us out of the middle east oil and blood-soaked battlefields, and,
- who notes with concern the economic impact of steadily climbing prices of oil ($55/barrel today)
Yet still doesn't get it in his quite abundant gut. For many, NIMBY will quickly become PIMBY - Please In My Back Yard as the above three drivers steadily worsen. I'm not a profit of doom, just an observer of current events informed by a little bit of history. How in hell can Kennedy hold these conflicting positions without his head exploding? He should consider himself truly lucky to have a chance to have such a great view of something so good on so many levels. Time to wake up, man.
posted by Andy Bochman at 10:37 AM
