Bush or Kerry
Seems obvious right? One born into the oil industry, nursed on crude, and never quite weaned. The other espousing the type of AE-friendly language (rhetoric?) people like AEman hunger for. Without trying to sound too cynical though, I have to ask, would Kerry be willing to deliver ... to spend some political capital to get things rolling? And if willing, would he be able? And are these just sound bites from Kerry designed to get people like me on board or is he sharing what he's feeling deep down?
Business Week has a flash piece comparing the AE and energy positions of the contenders ... read fast ... it goes by quickly!
Republican house and senate for the foreseeable future. So is there a chance a significant percentage of Republicans ... if they caught a whiff of real financial downside from holding to the status quo might join in for the fight against darkness? And/or if they started getting a twinkle in their rapacious capitalist eyes about firing up a whole new economy based on rebuilding the entire global energy infrastructure ... would that be sweet or what? Or am I on crack?
Can either scenario happen with or without Bush? Guess we'll see, but it's going to take some time to play out either way. AEman is watching with a mixture of excitement, curiosity, and agita.
posted by Andy Bochman at 6:30 PM
