Thursday, February 10, 2005

Climate Heaven and Hell: Kyoto Update 2005

In today's article, "Winners and sinners on global warming", Boston Globe journalist David Sandalow outline both the positive and negative outcomes since Kyoto kicked off in 1997.

Sandalow writes:

More than seven years later, the agreement forged during those long nights of negotiation will finally take effect. On Feb. 16, the Kyoto Protocol -- revered in much of the world, reviled by many in the United States -- becomes legally binding on 131 countries that have accepted its terms. The most immediate impacts will be in the 35 industrialized countries, including Canada, Japan, and all members of the European Union, that have agreed to limit heat-trapping gases during the period 2008 to 2012.

The event is rich in irony. The United States will not be a party to the Kyoto Protocol. Indeed, the Bush administration's rejection of the agreement has become a symbol of its foreign policy for much of the world. Yet the Kyoto Protocol's most enduring legacy may be a uniquely American idea -- that "emissions trading" can help control heat-trapping gases at low cost.

Getting emissions down and bringing China and India to the table are key. The US is good cop and bad cop all in one, which I suppose keeps everyone else on their toes. AEman suggests you take a more active role in boning up on this issue. Check out the site link ... these guys, to the best of their big-brained ability, call the climate change story as they see it, without allegiance to any particular political party.

posted by Andy Bochman at 8:39 PM


Location: Brookline, MA, United States

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