Thursday, February 03, 2005

Nuke Begets Hydrogen Begets The Future

It's the ultimate two-fer. New-design nuclear plants can make the energy the US and world need to supply electric power to homes, commercial buildings and industry. And as a by-product, can be harnessed to produce hydrogen to fuel the largest chuncks of the transportation sector. And for you skeptics out there, the company that sponsored the attached research - PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN BY NUCLEAR ENERGY: THE ENABLING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HYDROGEN ECONOMY - is General Atomics, so there's no way any bias could have crept in.

AEman suggests you be the judge and check it out. Warning, it's a tad more technical than some of you may be ready for. For you engineers out there though, eat it up.

posted by Andy Bochman at 1:23 PM


Location: Brookline, MA, United States

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