A Sneak Peek at the Oil Peak
MSNBC article today outlines the likely timing the the peak of worldwide oil production ... sometime between 2005 and 2010. Then the inevitable oil spikes while industrialized countries figure out how to make the most out of what's left via conservation and alternative sources. By the latter, I don't mean AE, but actually how to make other materials like coal and tar into things we can run cars with. In this phase, the environment if of secondary concern at best. Anyway, doom and gloomers, here it is.
posted by Andy Bochman at 8:37 PM

GE's CEO Immelt Kicks Major US AE Ass
To many the the US gov seems asleep at the wheel when it comes to energy policy, climate change issues, and alternative energy research and support. If you asked them, they'd tell you that things work best when industry takes the lead. Well, industry has just done that, in the form of little ole' General Electric. Check out GE's audacious new energy goals for the next few years.
posted by Andy Bochman at 10:55 PM

MIT and "A Crude Awakening"
The outlook is somewhat less-than-cheery from someone who knows the auto landscape inside and out - the director of MIT's Sloan Automotive Laboratory and codirector of the Ford-MIT Alliance, John Heywood. Read on only AFTER a strong cup of coffee.
posted by Andy Bochman at 8:38 AM

The AEman Returneth
Sorry about that, dozed off for six weeks or so it seems. One of the hazards of working too hard. Anyway, the abundantly energetic man will be back on the beat shortly.
posted by Andy Bochman at 9:37 PM
