Bending Over Backwards and Beyond
A Boston Globe piece this morning "Yarmouth would get wind farm windfall" shows how far the Cape Wind developers have to go to pay off local townsfolk, while they still get to endure unremitting reamings from local selectmen and others. Once again, we're exploring the outer reaches (or maybe the foul inner core) of NIMBY. Here we see Not In My Back Yard even though:
- It's windpower, not coal/oil
- It's quiet
- It produces the major chunk of electricity needed to power the Cape
- It doesn't pollute water, air, ground or space
- It doesn't hurt fish, birds, bats, bees (give or take a bat* or two)
- It's well offshore and often invisible
- It's new jobs
- It's cheaper electricity
- AND, it's millions and millions of dollars in additonal tax and other revenues
What kind of idiots would oppose something like this? Is AEman missing something, or did Jesus say something critical of wind power? Maybe Satan was once quoted saying something nice about wind turbines. If so, please cite book, chapter, verse and then AEman will check the Greek.
AEman's been tough on wind the last few posts. Even with an enlightened citizenry, expensive oil and global warming-induced sea rising, it's not going to solve too big a part of the problem. It 's a supplementing - not a replacement - technology. If Yarmouth somehow manages to get Cape Wind killed or seriously comprimised, let's make sure they're identified as a prime candidate site for a pebble reactor. And offshore it will not be.
*AEman adores bats, but considers the early demise of one or two a day out of gadjillions an acceptably low rate of attrition
posted by Andy Bochman at 8:33 AM
